DXF Output for 2D
To define, DXF (Drawing Exchange Format) is a CAD data file format enabling data interoperability between AutoCAD and other CAD programs. DXF file format was originally introduced in 1982 as part of AutoCAD and was intended to provide an exact representation of the data inside the native file format. Since then, Auto desk publishes DXF specifications for AutoCAD and does support both ASCII and binary forms of DXF.

DXF Menu
Gearotic CAD uses DXF as our graphical imaging interface, which is typically supported by most CAD software available today. We use this DXF file format to export all of our 2D and 3D contours. Users may modify content even farther prior to exporting them to meet their criteria. Our exports are made of ” Line to Line data” and are of the highest resolution possible. However, some CAD programs out there appear to stumble with this high resolution depending on the resolution set in configuration and the actual size of your gear? If problem continues with other CAD software suppliers, remember It is possible to decimate these to a lesser resolution, or perhaps convert into Bezier curves, and try again, but again most CAD programs have no issues.

Ratchet gear vector made from Gearotic CAD and exported as a dxf
Scimitar gear vectors compiled with Gearotic CAD, imported in Vexx (Draw Platform), and saved as project dxf.

More Examples of exported gears inside Gearotic CAD

Gearotic generated spur gear exported in dxf format.
Dual spur gears drawn as a set, exported as DXF, ready for milling.

Rack and pinion rail with modified ends for quick connect and expansion, generated by Gearortic and exported as a dxf.
More Examples of 2D gears exported as vectors in a DXF file format.
Dual Non Circular gears with applied logarithmic form control, exported from Gearotic CAD as a dxf.

This is a 5th Order pinion gear exported as a dxf from Gearotic CAD.
Dual Non Circular gears with Elliptical form control using eccentricity of 0.6 and Mod Coefficent of 1, exported as a dxf.

All rights reserved to: Gearotic Motion CAD
Email: support@gearotic.com
Nova Scotia, Canada