Gearotic Motion as a company, has grown into multiple stand alone software programs. These are better known as Gearotic CAD (Gear CAD), Auggie(CAM controller), Vexx (AutoCad) and Ticker(Nuts and Bolts). All of these software programs require a personal computer or laptops to operate effectively, the faster/newer they are, usually the better and faster it will work for you. All software packages are downloadable from our Gear Head Corner Forum, and it is suggested you try the demo first. As always, Gearotic Motion aims to assist anyone with geared mechanical creations, and our support workshop is on Gear Head Corner forum if you have any questions. We began as a gear template generator, then it developed into more than just a gear utility package, so we hope you’ll find it all interesting and perhaps handy. Gearotic CAD will generate most gear types found today, combined or individually, and allows user to simulate or animate a creation. Inside, a variety of gears or types or gearing mechanisms can be found. includes Spur Gear, Cage Gear, Non Circular Gear, Escapements, Planetary Gear, Sprocket Gear, Timing Gear, Pulley, Bevel Gear, Root Blowers, Geneva Mechanism and Rack and Pinions to mention a few. It also generates toolpaths for CNC modes, and will export as Dxf or STL depending on selection. Spur gears can be generated in an helical or bevel form, can be outputted as Straight, Helix or in a Zerol formats. Again, these outputs include STL files for 3D printing, 2D DXF format for most Cad programs, 1:1 scale paper printouts for non CNC woodworking patterns, and finally G-Code for all CNC use.
Gearotic Motion family of software packages also offer various modules inside, which should be explored in hope to help make your creations that more unique and desirable. Things like Boxing, Indicators, Spokes, Slicing from an STL object, Flourishes, Harris Vines and everything else it offers, may be useful to any individual user. Vexx our draw platform, is a stand alone program while Vecs, found inside Auggie, via (CON) button, it is our simplified kinetic platform, allowing visualization of mechanical movement behaviour. Ticker will rightfully replace Vecs, and is just another one of those handy CAD tools if your looking for Nuts and Bolts, Shafts, Acme Screws and more. Once Licensed, these all all export into STL for 3D printing or Milling. We’ve been told this module is very versatile and has endless possibilities, plus allows for sectional printing, when those bigger jobs come around. Feel free to contact us on Gear Head Corner Forum to say Hi, or should you have any questions.
Click inside Module to explore farther.
Gears Specialty Gears Functional Gears Cage Gears
Specialty Items Image Processing Software Outputs CNC
Please note that once software is downloaded and installed, it becomes our DEMO version. However, whenever a license is installed, the same software automatically reverts to a fully licensed version without any special requirements. Our License cost $120 and is for a lifetime activated entity, all upgrades are free plus license stays installed during any upgrades to simplify things for the user.Click Here to Purchase a License
Let it be mentioned that Gearotic Cad may be prone to trigger “false warnings or related errors” from some antivirus programs out there, either when you first download or first install it on your computer. This is likely due to a trigger sensitivity which is set from the sequence of the letters found in our name, or because it is missing a digital signature. To briefly explain, since we constantly update with new tools and features in these programs, a Microsoft signature license isn’t really feasible without breaking the bank. Much effort was attempted to improve this situation such as this new web site verse the original (www.gearoticmotion.com). along with a new modern software build installer. This has improved things remarkably, however we still experience some issues from time to time.
List of available software from Gearotic Motion to download.
Current Versions of software and their links.
1) – This is our current stable version of Gearotic version 3.xx. It includes the old Gearotic unlinked as Gearotic1.0.exe in the root folder, and Vexx as well, about 46 MB in size.
2) – This is the Win10 installer for Gearotic CAD and includes the program Ticker, which is a 3d modeler for creating gears, nuts, bolts and more in 3d for 3d printing. Ticker includes the capability to create Worm, Spur, Bevel
or helical gears in many forms, and create shafts and Bolts of many standard types. Its size is much larger as a result, 190MB in size.
3) – This is the downloader for Auggie, a scripted motion controller with two 4-axis trajectory planners, 6th order jerk limited trajectory execution. Scripted GCode and an advanced photographic engraving laser control interface.
It requires the use of a Pokeys 57CNC network IO device from pokeys.com. This program is meant for the advanced hobbyist, has a steep learning curve if you wish to modify it, but many examples exist on this forum of user experiences
and how they hooked up their lasers or CNC to Auggie.
We hope you enjoy, we always welcome new ideas, so please join us on our “Gear Head Forum“.
All support be done on the forum, so everyone benefits form the answers. You may also contact us directly at support@gearotic.com. You need not to be licensed to join our forum, we welcome everyone to the discussions.
We also have some project samples, these may be downloaded from this site inside the” Clocks and Project” gallery.
Have fun..
Art Fenerty
Bob Landry
Email – support@gearotic.com